Thursday, June 25, 2009

DNB in Safdarjang hospital &VMM College,New Delhi

Safdarjang hospital &VMM College,New Delhi 29
Reporting time 9am (on day 1)
Clinical Aptitude test 11 am
Interview 2pm
Apply by 6 july 2009

Speciality (No.of Posts) Date Of Interview
Gynae Obst (3) 29 &30July 2009
Pediatrics (2) 23& 24July 2009
Medicine ( 5 ) 13&14 July 2009
Anaesthesia (2) 17 & 20 July 2009
Eye (2) 15 July 2009
ENT (2) 16 July 2009
ORTHO (2) 21 &22 July 2009
SURGERY (3) 27& 28 July 2009


  1. helo sir
    can u please tell me how shall i apply for the above course..

  2. helo sir
    can u please tell me how shall i apply for the above course..

  3. dear sir,
    me completed my DA ;now wanna apply for secondary dnb -anesthesia.
    kindly furnish me details regarding
    how to apply,
    when to apply,

